ALIGNED - SAQA Qualification ID 61591: National Certificate: IT: End User Computing NQF Level 3
Skills Programme Unit Standard # Unit Standard Name NQF Credits
ICT 117925 Describe the concepts of information and communication technology and the use of its components in a healthy and safe manner Level 2 3
ICT 258883 Use generic funcation in a GUI environment Level 1 4
MS Word 117925 Use GUI based Word processor to format documents Level 2 5
MS Word 119078 Use GUI based word processor to enhance a document through the use of tables and columns Level 3 5
MS Word 258898 Review and create documents using a GUI based word processor Level 3 7
MS Word 116942 Use a GUI based word processor to create merged documents Level 3 3
Internet Explorer 115391 Demonstrate and understanding of the principles of the internet and the wolrd-wide-web Level 4 4
Internet Explorer 116931 Use a Graphical User interface based web browser to search the internet Level 2 3
Internet Explorer 114076 Use computer technology to research a computer topic Level 4 4
MS Outlook 116945 U/se electronic mail to send and receive messages Level 2 2
MS Outlook 258897 Apply electronic messaging and calendar application Level 2 2
MS Outlook 116935 Enhance, edit and organise electronic messages using a GUI based messaging application Level 2 2
MS Powerpoint 117923 Use a GUI based presentation application to prepare and produce presentation according to a given brief Level 2 5
MS Powerpoint 116930 Use a GIU presentation application to enhance presentation appearance Level 3 5
MS Powerpoint 258880 Utilise special features to enhance presentations Level 3 3
MS Excel 116937 Use a GUI spreadsheet application to create and edit spreadsheets Level 2 4
MS Excel 258879 Change the appearance of a spreadsheet Level 3 3
MS Excel 116943 Use a GUI spreadsheet application to enhance the functionality and apply graph / charts to a spreadsheet Level 4 3
MS Excel 116940 Use a GUI spreadsheet application to solve a given problem Level 3 6
MS Excel 258878 Ensure spreadsheet integrity to enhance realibility Level 4 3
MS Access 116936 Use a GUI database application to work with simple databases Level 3 3
MS Access 258875 Design a GUI based database Level 4 4
MS Access 117927 Use a GUI based database application to solve a given problem Level 4 6
Financial Literacy 11241 Perform basics business calculations Level 3 6
Financial Literacy 7456 Use mathametics to investigate and monitor financial aspects of personal, business and national issues Level 3 5
Communication 8973 Use language and communication in occupational learning programmes Level 3 5
Communication 8968 Accommodate audience and context needs in oral communication Level 3 5
Communication 8970 Write texts for a range of communication contexts Level 3 5
Communication 110023 Present information in report format Level 4 6
Communication 13915 Demonstrate knowledge and understanding of HIV/AIDS in a workplace, and its effects on a business sub-sector, own orginisation and specific workplace Level 3 4
Mathematical Literacy 9010 Deonstrate an understanding of the use of different number bases and measurement units and an awareness of error in the context of relevant calculations Level 3 2
Mathematical Literacy 9013 Describe, apply, analyse and calculate shape and montion in 2 and 3 dimensional space in different contexts Level 3 4
Mathematical Literacy 9012 Investigate life and work related problems using data and probabilities Level 3 5
ALIGNED - SAQA Qualification ID 58308: NC - Informal Business Practises NQF Level 3
Unit Standard # Unit Standard Name NQF Credits
243804 Repelish stock in a retail business Level 3 12
243805 Merchandise products in a retail business Level 3 12
243806 Deal with customers in a retail business Level 3 8
243807 Maintain a safe and secure environment in a retail business Level 3 8
243809 Run a small business Level 3 12
243810 Control cash in a small bsuiness Level 3 12
119457 Interpret and use information from text Level 3 5
119458 Analyse and respond to a variety of literacy texts Level 3 5
119465 Write/present/sign texts for a range of communication contexts Level 3 5
119472 Accommodate audience and context needs in oral / signed communication Level 3 5
7456 Use mathematics to investigate and monitor the financial aspects of personal, business and national issues Level 3 5
9010 Demonstrate an understanding of the use of different number bases and measurement units and an awareness of error in the context of relevant calculations Level 3 2
9012 Investigate life and work related problems using data and probabilities Level 3 5
9013 Describe, apply, analyse and calculate shape and motion in 2-and 3-dimensional space in different contexts Level 3 4
114890 Perform office functions in a wholesale and retail outlet Level 2 4
114891 Count stock for a stock-take Level 2 5
114893 Pack customer pruchases at a point of sale Level 2 3
114900 Sell products to customers in a Wholse and Retail outlet Level 3 12
ALIGNED - SAQA Qualification ID 59201: National Certificate: Generic Management (LP 60269) NQF Level 5
Skills Programme Unit Standard # Unit Standard Name NQF Credits
Leadership 120300 Analyse leadership and related theories in a work context Level 5 8
Leadership 252037 Build teams to achieve goals and objectives Level 5 6
Leadership 15224 Empower team members thourgh recognising strenghts, encouraging participation in decision making and delegating tasks Level 5 4
Relationship Management 252027 Devise and apply strategies to establish and maintain workplace relationships Level 5 6
Relationship Management 252031 Apply the pricinples and concepts of emotional intelligence to the management of self and others Level 5 4
Relationship Management 12433 Use communication techniques effectiveky Level 5 8
Diversity and Conflict Management 252029 Lead peopple development and talent management Level 5 8
Diversity and Conflict Management 252034 Monitor and evaluate team members against performance standards Level 5 8
Diversity and Conflict Management 12140 Recruit and select candidates to fill defined positions Level 5 9
Diversity and Conflict Management 252035 Select and coach first line managers Level 5 8
Financial Management 252036 Apply mathematical analysis to economic and financial information Level 5 6
Financial Management 252040 Manage the finances of a unit Level 5 8
Best Practise Management 252042 Apply the principles of ethnics to improve orginisational culture Level 5 6
Best Practise Management 252044 Apply the principles of knowledge management Level 5 6
Best Practise Management 252024 Evaluate current practises against best practises Level 5 4
Change Management 252021 Formulate recommendations for a change process Level 5 8
Change Management 252026 Apply a systems approach to decision making Level 5 6
Change Management 252020 Create and manage an environment that promotes innovation Level 5 6
Results-based Management 252022 Develop, implement and evaluate a project plan Level 5 8
Results-based Management 252032 Develop, implement and evaluate an operational plan Level 5 8
Results-based Management 252025 Monitor, assess and manage risks Level 5 8
People Management 252029 Lead peopple development and talent management Level 5 8
People Management 252034 Monitor and evaluate team members against performance standards Level 5 8
People Management 12140 Recruit and select candidates to fill defined positions Level 5 9
People Management 252035 Select and coach first line managers Level 5 8
Single unit standards
Unit Standard # Unit Standard Name NQF Credits
263976 Demonstrate understanding of outcomes based education and training approach within the context of an National Qualifications Framework Level 5 5
115753 Conduct outcomes based assessment Level 5 15
115759 Conduct moderation of outcomes based assessments Level 6 10
117871 Facilitate learning using a variety of given methodologies Level 5 10
117874 Guide learners about their learning, assessment and recognition opportunities Level 5 6
117877 Perform one-to-one training on the job Level 3 4
12885 Apply concepts and principles relevant to practical aspects of corporate goverance and accountabilty Level 6 10